• For every load of asbestos disposed, all vehicles, re-useable containers or any other similar article which have been in contact with asbestos waste is cleaned and decontaminated after use at the disposal site in manner described by the guidelines.
  • After the disposal has been undertaken and final concrete cover for site stabilization laid, Greenrock Ventures Ltd ;
    1. Completely fences off the disposal site with at least chain link and a lockable gate which shall be locked at all times. The fence should be 2 metres from the edge of the pit.
    2. Puts a warning notices stating “Asbestos hazard area, keep out” shall be placed at the disposal site. These signs, with lettering of minimum 150mm in height, are to be placed so that they are clearly visible.
    3. Ensures that any Human activities which might interfere with the buried asbestos waste such as construction and pitting should not be allowed at the disposal site.
    4. Notifies the NEMA in writing on completion of disposal of asbestos waste.
  • Inspection and air monitoring as the work progresses, as well as final air sampling for clearance, by an entity independent consultants and its asbestos abatement contractors are undertaken at the site.